Arealeum expands the basic premise of investment funds and transforms it into a decentralized, community managed, blockchain-based investment ecosystem.
The focus is on real estate and sustainability projects selected by Arealeum investment advisors with a substantial track record in the investment landscape.
The ARE token is the perfect HODL vehicle for investors without prior trading or investing experience and for those who favor the concept.
Arealeum provides full transparency into the selection process of projects that are chosen to participate in each cycle.
Arealeum is a utility token asset backed by a technology called Cycle-Engined Technology (CET™).
Our vision is to create an investment ecosystem that will offer better risk-return ratios than other investments, while involving the community and rewarding them for their contributions.
Today, thanks to digitization such as cryptocurrencies, everyone can start investing with a small amount from the comfort of their home.
The ARE token will allow holders to vote on which projects should be selected for the next cycle. A special point system will provide rewards for voting.
Token holders can rely on the experience of the Arealeum team to identify profitable investment opportunities, while still remaining involved in the final selection process.
VARA (Virtual Assets Regulatory Authorit) license coming soon.